Server Commands

In addition to the graphical functions of Minetest, such as EDUTest and WorldEdit, there are other commands that you enter from the chat window. Some of these commands are the equivalent of a button, others are only accessible through the chat window.

Below you will find a list of frequently used server commands:

Command FunctionExample
/time hh:mm
/time millihours
Sets the time to a specific time/time 11:35
/time 9500 (09:50)
Open and Close the server at specific times
/teleport x y z
/teleport user1 user2
Teleports to specific location or teleports user 1 to user 2/teleport 20 30 -10
/teleport curie ghandi
/homeTeleports user to self-set home point
/me actionDisplays action of user in chat window/me eats a banana.
/helpDisplays possible commands as help
/help privsDisplays possible privileges with description3
/msg username messageSends a message to another user/msg davinci Let us build a secret passage here.
/give username item
/giveme item
Gives user or themself a specific item/give xena cactus
/kick usernameRemoves (kicks) user from the world/kick troublemaker
/rollback_checkAfter hitting a block, shows who changed it in the last 86400 seconds (24 hours)
/rollback username secondsUndoes the user’s actions done in the last seconds/rollback darwin 30