Zuletzt angesehen: minetest_privilegien

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Privileg Beschreibung
areascan admister areas
areas_high_limitbigger areas
banban and unban
basic_privscan modify 'shout' and 'interact' privileges
bringcan teleport other players
creativekann Kreativinventar nutzen
debugallows enabling various debug options that may affect gameplay
fastcan use fast mode
givecan use /give and /giveme
homekann /sethome und /home benutzen
iblocksuse interactive blocks
interactcan interact with things and modify the world
invhackaccess other players inventory
kickcan kick players
mapserver_hide_playerplayer is hidden from the map
noclipcan fly though solid nodes using noclip mode
passwordcan use /setpassword and /clearpassword
poiset and manage POIs
privscan modify privs
protection_bypasscan bypass node protection in the world
pvpchange own pvp state
pvp_adminchange others pvp state
rename rename items and nodes
rollbackuse rollback functionality
serverserver maintenance stuff
serversay use /ssay <message> to write in the chat as the server
settimecan set the time of day using /time
shoutspeak in chat
spawnteleport to spawn with /spawn
studentrolle student, kann von massenkommandos zur spielerverwaltung betroffen werden
teacherrolle teacher, kann massenkommandos auf alle schüler anwenden
teleportteleport yourself
tournament_modpvp tournament moderator
tplet players teleport to other players (request will be sent)
tp_admintp admin access
tp_tpcallow players to teleport to coordinates (if allowed by area protection)
trustedyou are trusted
ui_fullzwingt unified inventory, im vollmodus angezeigt zu werden, wenn der minimalmodus global eingestellt ist
vanishallow use of /vanish command
wikiediting wiki pages in the global space
wiki_adminediting wiki pages in the any space
worldeditcan use worldedit commands

Standardmäßig verfügbar

fastcan use fast mode
homekann /sethome und /home benutzen
spawnteleport to spawn with /spawn
tplet players teleport to other players (request will be sent)
interactcan interact with things and modify the world
studentrolle student, kann von massenkommandos zur spielerverwaltung betroffen werden
shoutspeak in chat