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BLOCKALOT: A Creative Minetest Server for Future-Oriented Learning


The sandbox video game Minetest provides an infinite number of possibilities to be creative, to collaboratively build worlds and to learn in an open-ended and problem-oriented way. Learners are able to have a range of experiences that they will not experience otherwise. They experience significant transfer processes in which they need to deploy their knowledge to find solutions. They also experience simulations of what will happen in consequence of their actions or what might happen in the future. In this way, learners experience self-efficacy and learn actively through their actions in the virtual world. In particular, when these actions are embedded in a narrative, Minetest is a very good example of game-based learning and enables the sustainable transformation of learning. By simulating the features of our world, Minetest also makes
future-oriented learning possible. This is because the learners try to solve real problems in the virtual world, learn from their mistakes and then transfer what they have learned to the physical world.
The server dashboard BLOCKALOT represents the interface between technology and learning adventures in the Minetest world. It enables school teachers and staff of other educational institutions to create and manage learning spaces for individual learning experiences. Through game-based learning, the teacher’s role changes towards their becoming learning partners for learners.

First Project Phase

The first phase of the project, from January to August 2021, was about creating the technical infrastructure for BLOCKALOT and designing and testing the first learning scenarios. The publication of the first handout 🇩🇪 that is quite technical or application-oriented has accompanied this rather technical first phase.

Second Project Phase

Building on the experiences of the first project phase, for the second phase that started in September 2021 we have decided that we would like to foreground the pedagogy. As a result, we have moved away from using the term “contemporary education” and now speak of future-oriented learning. In the future, we would like to expand the circle of users and provide even more targeted support for the learning partners (formerly known as teachers) involved. For example, we plan to offer more in-service training, continue with regular exchange meetings, and develop more templates. The second handout 🇩🇪 accompanies these adjustments and contains practical examples from various authors who use Minetest in their educational practice.

The project’s declared goal is to build up a Germany-wide network, a community of practice that establishes game-based learning with Minetest as a serious alternative for traditional teaching.

The Emergence of the Project

Diese Projektdokumentation schildert die Entstehung des Anwendungsprojektes „Minetest - Baut Zukunft! Der kreative Minetest-Server für zeitgemäße Bildung“ im Wintersemester 2020. Das Projektteam Pinkinelli & Partner bestand aus den folgenden Mitgliedern: Alexander Berndt, Tim Budras, Christian Reski, Lucas Kornmüller, Fabian Metz, Lars Schneider und Silas Pinkinelli. Im Rahmen des Anwendungsprojektes der Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik & Wirtschaft wurde über einen Zeitraum von 11 Wochen im Auftrag des Landesmedienzentrums Baden-Württemberg (LMZ BW) ein Produkt namens BLOCKALOT geschaffen, welches es Lehrkräften auf einfache Art und Weise ermöglicht, ohne viel technische Kompetenzen und ohne selbst einen Server aufbauen zu müssen, den Einsatz von Game-Based Learning auszuprobieren und sich mit gleichgesonnenen Kollegen auf den Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert zu machen. Seit Abschluss des Anwendungsprojekts unterstützt ein Teil des Projektteams das Landesmedienzentrum BW bei der Pflege und Weiterentwicklung der BLOCKALOT-Plattform.

Project Aims

Das Anwendungsprojekt umfasste die Bereitstellung der nötigen Infrastruktur zum Einsatz der Game Engine Minetest an Schulen. Zusammen mit der notwendigen pädagogischen Unterstützung sollte es einen ersten Schritt hin zu einer neuen Art von Lernen darstellen.