Privileg | Beschreibung |
areas | can admister areas |
areas_high_limit | bigger areas |
ban | ban and unban |
basic_privs | can modify 'shout' and 'interact' privileges |
bring | can teleport other players |
creative | kann Kreativinventar nutzen |
debug | allows enabling various debug options that may affect gameplay |
fast | can use fast mode |
fly | fliegen |
give | can use /give and /giveme |
home | kann /sethome und /home benutzen |
iblocks | use interactive blocks |
interact | can interact with things and modify the world |
invhack | access other players inventory |
kick | can kick players |
mapserver_hide_player | player is hidden from the map |
noclip | can fly though solid nodes using noclip mode |
password | can use /setpassword and /clearpassword |
poi | set and manage POIs |
privs | can modify privs |
protection_bypass | can bypass node protection in the world |
pvp | change own pvp state |
pvp_admin | change others pvp state |
rename | rename items and nodes |
rollback | use rollback functionality |
server | server maintenance stuff |
serversay | use /ssay <message> to write in the chat as the server |
settime | can set the time of day using /time |
shout | speak in chat |
spawn | teleport to spawn with /spawn |
student | rolle student, kann von massenkommandos zur spielerverwaltung betroffen werden |
teacher | rolle teacher, kann massenkommandos auf alle schüler anwenden |
teleport | teleport yourself |
tournament_mod | pvp tournament moderator |
tp | let players teleport to other players (request will be sent) |
tp_admin | tp admin access |
tp_tpc | allow players to teleport to coordinates (if allowed by area protection) |
trusted | you are trusted |
ui_full | zwingt unified inventory, im vollmodus angezeigt zu werden, wenn der minimalmodus global eingestellt ist |
vanish | allow use of /vanish command |
wiki | editing wiki pages in the global space |
wiki_admin | editing wiki pages in any space |
worldedit | can use worldedit commands |
zoom | allows zooming |